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Medical Cannabis Outreach Wellness Clinics

Apply for Your Medical Cannabis Certification Today

Our Focus is Your Wellness

When you’re struggling with long-lasting ailments, you want to find relief. Medical Cannabis Outreach is more than your average medical cannabis certification provider. Our medical clinic will provide all the services necessary for you to obtain a medical cannabis certification. This includes a medical cannabis consultation and free application processing as well as ongoing support & outreach services.

Customized medical cannabis program in Illinois

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a safe, professional, clinical setting for patients with chronic or debilitating health conditions to gain legal access to medical cannabis. We strongly believe in the medicinal properties of medical cannabis and CBD. Our goal is to help you through our natural, customized medical cannabis program.

Making a Difference for Patients Everyday

Medical Cannabis Outreach works every day to help patients find relief from their symptoms. Whether you’re struggling with chronic pain or a recent injury, we want to help you in any way we can.

At Medical Cannabis Outreach, we have conducted more than 275 educational seminars and certified more than 50,000 medical cannabis patients.

Please use the form below for more information or if you have any questions.

We look forward to serving you.

Medical Cannabis Outreach

Please use the form below for more information or if you have any questions. We look forward to serving you.


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Available 24/7

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